Sun. May 19th, 2024

Piety: What does it mean & why is it trending?-Share Market Daily

It can be attributed to any religious beliefs in the world. For instance, amongst Christian, the word connotes to going to church everyday, speaking reverentially, praying to God and taking care of the family and poor etc. The word is actually derived from the French word “piete”, meaning piety or pity. The French word piete was in turn derived from Latin word “Pius”. Pius meant kind or devoted. So piety is ultimately a derivation of pious.

Sometimes piety is also attributed to people who pretend to be holy or act devoted, but in reality aren’t. Anyway in reality today’s Wordle answer “Piety” is really a good word in today’s context. People would perhaps do the world a whole lot of good by showing their piety, instead of their hatred or anger or disdain. Maybe the war which is waging away between Ukraine and Russia could show a little piety and stop once and for all.

People could start living this word for general peace on earth. Wordle under New York Times has generated immense publicity and people the world over are playing the game. There have been issues that cropped up with people from the UK complaining about the word “Homer” attributed to baseball, and saying that’s American and not English. Maybe quite a few “Englishman” lost their streak that day. So too with the word “trove” which means a store of valuables. Many did not guess that word. So Wordle does have people trending and discussing the day’s word on social media. For now people are happy playing the popular word game.

Wordle is now creating a place in people’s life and is changing it with better vocabulary skills for sure! The word “Piety” is now piously trending.

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