"Stranger Things" takes place in Millie Bobby Brown's college state. According to Allure's September cover story, the 18-year-old star is taking Purdue University online courses.
She said she is studying human services, a major in which "you learn about the system and how to help young people."
Human development and family studies, skills for working with people in service agencies, and skills for evaluating programs are the focus of the major.
The school prepares students to work in community-based, home-based, health-related social services, and mental health organizations.
The fictional town at the center of "Stranger Things" is located in Indiana, the same state Purdue is located in. A background character in season three can be seen wearing an Indiana T-shirt.
Brown is keeping quite busy in addition to her studies. In "Stranger Things" season five, she'll face Vecna once and for all after dating Jake Bongiovi and appearing in "Enola Holmes 2."
She doesn't spend much time on social media, however. According to Allure, she doesn't have any social media apps on her phone, and her profiles are managed by others.
By focusing on helping others, she keeps all the stresses of her life in the public eye in perspective. This is the most exciting part of my job.
Stressful or frightening can also be perceived. When people ask, 'What will you say, Millie?' I say, "Young girls deserve an education." The people you love deserve your love.
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