As deputy White House press secretary during the final nine months of Trump's presidency, she made headlines when she resigned just hours after the infamous riot in the White House.
She met Kayleigh McEnany there, and she joined her team in the West Wing in April of 2020 after the latter was appointed White House press secretary.
Sarah Matthews described her close relationship with McEnany to a committee of her former employer..
As a result of their "close relationship," the U.S. government was set to formally certify Trump's loss to Biden in the 2020 presidential election.
On that day, Trump urged thousands of his supporters to march to the Capitol in protest of the false claims he had made in the previous weeks that his election had been stolen from him.
Trump's three-hour, seven-minute speech was stormed by a crowd during Thursday's hearing. Vice President Pence and Congress evacuated the Capitol chambers.
The president claimed Pence "didn't have the courage to do what needed to be done" and overturn the election results, which was not constitutionally possible.
Having the vice president tweet at that moment was not what Matthews needed. "It was him literally giving them permission to do what they were doing." he said.